As a past School Trustee, I was recognized by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for my efforts to fight hate groups. I was a key part of the Toronto District School Board's Enhancing Equity Task Force which took many actions to improve equity for students and families. I believe collecting race-based data is a good first step to identifying systemic racism within the Edmonton Public School Board.
Specifically, I support the collection of race-based data in terms of suspensions and expulsions, staffing, student achievement and enrolment in special programs.
I also want our schools to improve inclusion and equity for students with special needs. Let's improve accessibility in our schools for students with mobility needs. We should also collect data and determine if students with special needs are disproportionally being suspended and expelled.
“I acknowledge there is systemic anti Black racism and anti Indigenous racism. I am alarmed by the recent increases in anti Asian racism and Islamophobia. I continue to oppose anti Semitism and Homophobia. I will continue to demonstrate leadership by speaking up against all forms of hatred.
I will also work to improve equity for students with special needs and mobility needs as well, and review other areas of the EPSB to improve equity where possible."